Make your own Toy Story ball
>> Sunday, March 20, 2011 –
Toy Story 3
Macey only asked for 3 things last Christmas, a Toy Story bowl, Slinky Dog, and the famous Toy Story ball. Well that was easy enough, right! WRONG!
The ONLY Toy Story ball I found was on ebay, and it was going for $40.00. I wasn't going to spend that.
I figured surly I could make one. I did a search on how to go about painting on a rubber ball.
Here are the ingredients
First thing you need to do is, well find a yellow rubber ball. I thought this was going to be the hardest part, especially seeing how I went shopping for it just a few days before Christmas Day. Luck was on my side. I found one at the very first place I stopped. Academy Sports, or is it called Sports Academy? I can never remember. It cost me $5 bucks I think.
You first must rub the entire ball with rubbing alcohol. I found that sitting the ball on a cup worked pretty well. Then sprayed it with a plastic primer.
The ball I got had a design pattern on it which made it really easy to line the blue stripe around the ball.
Then I made a star template on the computer and printed it out. I wished I had saved it so I could post it, but I didn't.
I outlined it with a red thin sharpie.
After everything is painted and dried. I coated it with a flat sealer. I must have done about 5 or 6 coats with it drying between coats. It's been several months since I made it. It has held up pretty well, but even with the sealer the paint has chipped off some. I plan on touching it up soon :) Oh, and mine has never been out doors. I don't think it would last long outside. But all in all it looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself. :) It sure beats paying $40.00 bucks for one.
Here's the finished product.