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Sesame Street Cupcakes-ROCKS!

My sweet little nephew is turning two. I got the job of making his cake this year as I did last year too. I'm starting to see a cycle, Lol. These were soo fun to make. Took longer than I thought but very fun. My girls even helped me some too.

I used a star tip for Elmo and Grover and the hair tip for Oscar and Cookie Monster.

Notice how much better Elmo looks when you get the eyes right.

Don't they look fun and colorful!

Ooops, I forgot to put Elmo on a "pedestal" haha

Which is your favorite?

For what ever reason...Cookie Monster was the funniest to make. Everyone in my house says that he was their favorite too.

When ever I make cakes I ALWAYS make a huge mess...and that BUGS me! This is exactly how my brain feels sometimes with my all my ideas. I have sooooo many thoughts and ideas in my head that I want to do, but then they get all scrambled up inside and I only get half of them done. I took some snaps of my cleaning up process. Cause you know there was no way I could post a dirty kitchen w/out posting a clean one too:)

Ahhh this looks better.

Well that's it. Hope the little guy enjoys his cupcakes, but the reality is, he probably won't even touch them...LOL you would have to know my nephew:) But that is quiet all right. Happy Birthday Zeke.

Love your Aunt Awdrey :)

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