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Dr. visits, Vet visits, new glasses etc...busy week.


Alex is growing up fast and maturing a lot. I have left him in charge of the two older girls for short errands. O.K. so maybe the two girls have still been in bed asleep when I did this, but it's still nice to be able to do that here and there. I'm not ready for him to watch little bit just yet. I think she's too young. Even though he is excellent with her around the house and maybe while I get in a nap or something. Monday, the 27th. Macey had her 18 month and 2 year check up. Yes, I was behind. I left Alex in charge at the house while just me and Macey went to her appt. It was so weird traveling with just one kid.


She had not been since her 12 month visit, yet she still new this was a place she did not want to be at. She weighs a whopping 22 lbs. That's actually heavier than I thought she was.


I love Ms. J, the nurse. She was the nurse that cleaned my wound from a 4 wheeler wreck when I was 12 years old (20 years ago) I loved her then and I love her now.

O.K. since I'm on the topic of Dr.s and Dr.s give shots, and shots have needles...let me show you what my 7 year old daughter stepped on in a Wal-Mart parking lot and went through her Crocs and pricked her foot.


OMG!! Yes, it is a hypodermic needle. When I first realized what she had stepped on I was pretty sure it wasn't a needle that would be used for drugs. Still, what was it, whose was it, what was on it? I showed it to the nurse and Dr. they seemed to think that it was from an insulin pen. She said it definitely was NOT a needle that goes into the vein. There's nothing I can do about it now, so I'm not worrying about it. She's an innocent little girl and I am just believing that God is watching over her. Still I can not understand how or why people would be so dumb, stupid, inconsiderate, irresponsible, etc. etc. etc. Well enough about that.

This morning I took our 14 year old dog to get her shots and an all over check up since we will have to board her in about 3 weeks. Again, I left Alex in charge of two sleeping girls while Macey, Mango, and myself went off to the Vet's. It would have been much easier to have had Alex there to help with Mae Mae while I handle our dog, Mango, but I really didn't want to drag all 5 out, lol.

Dr. H, my favorite vet ever! Said that everything looks really good, heart, lungs, etc. Her eye site is definitely poor, and she has arthritis pretty bad, which I already new and was hoping to get something to help with her pain.
Her age is getting very obvious in her behavior. He seems to think that her mind is probably going down hill, but also thought that possibly if we can control her pain then she might start acting a little more like Mango. For instance, you could leave the front door open all day long and she would never go out (I trained her to do that ;) Now, she'll just walk right on out. She doesn't seem to like attention anymore or to be petted. I know, kind of sad huh? Hopefully this medicine will make her fell better. Really though other than the arthritis she seems to being doing excellent to be as old as she is. She is older than all of my kids. She has been a wonderful pet, and it's hard to see her grow old.


Then later today, I get call saying that Allison's glasses were in. She was so excited about getting them.


Well that gets me caught up a little bit.


Beverly  – (April 30, 2009 at 3:19 PM)  

oh, that is so scary about the needle! Praying all is fine!!!

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