I found it, I found it!
I have been looking for a box that had all, well most, of my kiddos artwork in it. I was beginning to think the worst and thought maybe it got thrown out by mistake. But in my heart I knew that couldn't have happened, but I had looked in every box in this house...twice! Until, I finally reached for one box that I just "knew" was empty this whole time. Can you imagine my excitement??? Especially when I realized there was triple the amount of artwork I had long forgotten about.
O.K. so I have lots, I mean TONS of ideas I want to do with this and I want to share them all with you. Little by little though. I have all kinds of ideas floating around in my head and it drives me crazy that I can't get them all done right now. It'll be a good time to practice some patience. I'll need time (lots of it) and money (hopefully not lots of that)