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Eye Exam times 2

Today we had 2 different eye exams to go to. First we took Allison for her first visit here in town. We took Macey with us and actually left Alex in charge of Madison at home while we went to her appt. I can't believe he is actually getting old enough and mature enough to start doing this. It was nice to only have to have 2 kids ready to go by 8:30 a.m. :) As it turned out, Madison slept almost the whole time we were gone, while Alex sat and played a video game, lol.

First things first, (dilating her eyes)


Macey thought it was so fun to sit in this chair...little did she know that she was going to her own appt. in a few hours.


Not sure what all she's checking here.
I'll go ahead and worn you that I was in a picture taken mood today. :)


Here, I was wanting to practice taking a photo with virtually no light and no flash. Not bad for a first timer.


Allison has 20/20 vision we found out. GREAT! she didn't get my eyes ;) but she does need some reading glasses for up close detail work such as reading, school work, computer time etc. etc. So this explains the squinting while sitting at the computer. The Dr. said she will probably grow out of it in a couple of years and won't need glasses.

She tried on several frames and it was agreed by the workers, hubby, Allison, and myself that these looked best. They have tiny little green hearts on the side. She and I both can't wait until they come in.


Eye exam, frames, and lens' all cost us a whopping $25 bucks. Not bad!

We got home, had about 1 hour until we needed to head out the door for Macey's visit, which was an hour's drive. My sister's hubby came over and sat with the 3 older kids. I'm no where near ready to leave that much responsibility on Alex yet. My bro in law brought his 8 month old son, made a pot of spaghetti to feed my kids, and came to our house to watch the kids. How on earth you can beat that?

Macey has been seeing this eye specialist since she was 3 months old. We really like him a lot. The recent visits have not been for her condition that she has, but for her poor vision, which are not related. (side note: I know I have posted things about her condition in different places, but I don't think I have done one here. I will try and do that some time soon for anyone who is just curious. The name of her condition is Blepharophimosis...Now back to my original post.)


Again I was still have fun with my camera. I told you I was in a picture mood.

I know this picture looks sad, but she started freaking out and Warren had to hold her still. I think the photo makes it look much worse than it was. It only lasted a few seconds.

Everything looked good he said. Her vision has gotten a little worse since the last visit, but he didn't seem to be bothered by it, so we weren't either. She has out grown her first pair of glasses and we ordered her some new one today. He has now space her visits for once a year instead of every 6 months. He's still thinking that at age 4 or 5 we'll talk about doing some eyelid surgery.

That wraps up the Dr. visits we had today.
It has become a ritual that hubby, Macey and I eat at Milo's before we come home. Let's face it, we hardly ever get to go out with one kid, and it's nice to have that special time with her since I don't feel I have as much one on one time with her at this age as I feel like I did with the others.

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She enjoyed a toasted cheese...


...while I enjoyed this.


Apple pie not shown.

Getting ready to head back. By this time I know she has got to be worn out. It's around 3:30 by now and no nap yet, but you wouldn't know it by that smile on her face.


I drove on the way there and hubby drove on the way back. That's why there are so many photos of the trip home.

GPS-Love it! PSP-Love it! I can view my photos, home videos, music, favorite websites, play games, watch movies, etc. with this thing. VERY COOL.

Hubby got a Miloshake for the trip home. I guess Milos pre-makes their shakes, LOL they had the flavor stamped on the cup.

Then I found it amusing to try and take a photo of hubby switching lanes to make it look as if he were driving down the center of the interstate. Lame huh?

IMG_9425 IMG_9430 IMG_9436 IMG_9440

Almost home and almost done with this post.


About 1 block from the house hubby looks at me and said "How did you know exactly how much gas to put in the van?"


As soon as we pulled in the drive way, before we even cut the van off. We were greeted from our son. Not sure if that was an Awww man your home :( or if it was an yeah, your home :) Just kidding, I think they had fun with uncle Max, and we appreciate him doing that for us so much. Hmmm, does this mean I have a regular baby sitter now???????


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